How I Use My Bullet Journal as a Stay-at-Home Mom

I discovered the bullet journal in 2018 and since then there has barely been a day I haven’t written within its pages. I’m a true convert to the bullet journaling method and I want to bring everyone with me! 

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What is a bullet journal?

According to, creator of the Bullet Journal methodology,  “It’s best described as a mindfulness practice disguised as a productivity system. It’s designed to help you organize your what while you remain mindful of your why. The goal of the Bullet Journal is to help its practitioners (Bullet Journalists) live intentional lives, ones that are both productive and meaningful.” 

The beauty of the bullet journal is that it can be tailor-made to fit your life in whatever season you might find yourself. When I had a busy schedule in my non-profit career the pages were full of meeting notes, ideas for future projects, and an hour-by-hour calendar. Today as a stay-at-home-mom and freelance writer the pages are full of meal planning, writing ideas, and habit tracking. Seasons change, my bullet journal comes with me as it documents and drives the minutes of my day. 

Dont have time? PIN IT and come back to it later!

Here’s a snap-shot of my day and the many ways I use my bullet journal: 

8:00 am 

After getting my husband out the door and feeding my toddler, I finish my coffee and open my bullet journal. I love to start my day with gratitude practice– moments of solitude where I reflect on all that I have. I consciously write down a few things that I’m thankful for. My journal tells a beautiful story of small moments that took my breath away and caused me to think not on what I lack, but on the bountiful blessings of my life.  Next, I look at what I have planned for the day, and then ahead to the week.

Gathering my thoughts at the start of my day has become sacred. I used to wake up late, scramble to get ready and enter the flurry of my day. Setting this time aside, whether it is five minutes or twenty, gives me space to be grateful, clear my head, and write down any important thoughts hovering in the limbo of my consciousness. These moments allow me to feel intentional about the day ahead instead of living at the mercy of what feels urgent. 

10:30 am

After a morning run or time at the park with my toddler we come home for his nap. I sit down with my journal and update my habit tracker with the morning tasks I’ve just completed. I LOVE (read: slightly obsessed) to track habits as it has dramatically helped me build rhythm and healthy habits into my life. Throughout my day I regularly check-in and keep a record of the habits I’ve accomplished. 

Habit tracking is great for tangible habits like making your bed, achieving your daily water intake, or projects at work. Additionally, I’ve really tried to expand it to more nuanced parts of my life. If I’m feeling lonely, I might look ahead at the month and set a goal to pursue friendship everyday. Taking time to call a friend or go visit a neighbor, I proactively address my loneliness by opening my heart to those around me and build this daily goal into my habit tracker.  My bullet journal has become central to pursuing holistic health in every area of my life. 

12 pm 

I make a plan for afternoon errands and any tasks I need to complete outside the house. It could be a grocery list, drop-off some donations at a local thrift store, or run to the post office. I keep a running “to-do list” in my journal that I am periodically checking, crossing off and adding to. 

3:30 pm 

As my toddler goes down for his second nap, I’m back at it. Getting in a daily writing practice and checking my idea log for any thoughts that had popped into my head to write about. The afternoon is when I work hard on my blog, catch-up on emails and make future plans for my writing. It’s an invaluable time of quiet and progress in my professional goals! 

8 pm 

Baby is down for the night and I’m back at my bu-jo, tracking the completed habits from the afternoon and taking a peek at the day ahead tomorrow. Some nights I finish a writing project, catch-up on Netflix with my husband or read a good book before bed. 

My bullet journal acts as an anchor amidst the waves that crash throughout my day. Whether it’s a meltdown from my toddler, a spontaneous play-date with my neighbor or a rainy day spent inside, I’m able to document and account for my day as a stay-at-home mom. Life at home with kids can feel unplanned and unimportant at times, but coming back to my bullet journal allows me to chart my progress, stay accountable, and have something to show myself at the end of my day. What I did today was important, it mattered, and most of all it was intentional. I lived well today. 

Have I made a believer out of you? 

Not everyone will be as motivated as I am by the accountability of a bullet journal. Some will love the blank page to fill with creativity, doodles, and thoughts, others will love the planner aspect that keeps them on schedule. Whatever your reason, It’s time to start your journey with the bullet journal. Trust me, there is something for everyone! The diversity of life experiences that can be documented and planned for on the pages of a bullet journal is endless! Get started today! 

Additional Resources: More Than A Trend: 5 Reasons You Should Start and Bullet Journal Today 

For some inspired reading, go directly to the source: The Bullet Journal Method by Ryder Carroll 

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