Made In Brazil My Husband and I are both Americans and had lived in Brazil for two years when we got pregnant with our first child. We’d lived there through the Zika scare and the concerns from family that we would get pregnant and bitten by a zika mosquito at the same time; leading to …
More Than A Trend: 5 Reasons Why You Should Start Bullet Journaling Today
MORE THAN A TREND Maybe you’ve heard of bullet journaling but just think its a trendy bandwagon that people are jumping on? Think again! Bullet Journaling is here to stay and can be a powerful tool, not just for organization, but for creativity, accountability, growth and posterity! I became interested in bullet journaling after watching …
Want Friendship? Be The Friend You Wish You Had
When Everything is Shaken The big transitions and events of life often bring disruption to the status quo, causing us to examine the substance of our lives. Whether its a move to another city, a transition to another job, or the arrival of babies and an entrance into motherhood— these life-altering shifts have a way …
How My First Year of Motherhood Changed Everything
This week I will celebrate my child’s first birthday and my first year of motherhood. I look back and see the incredible growth he’s made from a helpless babe to a walking little boy, discovering his independence and exploring the world around him. His transformation is incredible! I’m already counting down, realizing I only have …
Facing our Fears with Little Eyes Watching
At 11 weeks into my first pregnancy, I was feeling pretty amazing other than some fatigue here and there, My best friend was visiting us in Florianopolis and on the morning of her last day we set off on a hike that we knew had a small waterfall at the end of it. In the …